I went out to the kitchen and spread a paper napkin on a green metal tray. It looked as cheesy as a celluloid collar. I crumpled it up and got out one of those fringed things that come in sets with little triangular napkins. They came with the house, like most of the furniture. I set out two Desert Rose coffee cups and filled them and carried the tray in.
カップ&ソーサーは、当時(1943~1964年)ロサンゼルスのFranciscan Ceramicsというメーカーが作っていたデザート・ローズというバラが描かれたシリーズのものを選んでいる。こんな感じのものだ。
あまりひとり暮らしの探偵にはふさわしいようなものではない。きっとこれも家に付いてきたものだろう。あるいはチャンドラーがよく使っていたということかもしれない。同社はその後、イギリスのウエッジウッドに買収されたそうだが、現在のWedgwood Waterford Royal Doultonはもうこのシリーズは作っていないようだ。
She sipped. "This is very nice," she said. "You make good coffee."
She shook her head slowly. "He was a friend of yours, Mr. Marlowe. You must have a pretty strong opinion. And I think you are a pretty determined man."
マーロウはパイプを詰めながら少し時間を稼いでこう言う。clean-cutはすっきりとした、 embezzlersは使い込み、what makes ~ tickは何が~を動かしているのかという意味。
"Look, Mrs. Wade," I said finally. "My opinion means nothing. It happens every day. The most unlikely people commit the most unlikely crimes. Nice old ladies poison whole families. Clean-cut kids commit multiple holdups and shootings. Bank managers with spotless records going back twenty years are found out to be long-term embezzlers. And successful and popular and supposedly happy novelists get drunk and put their wives in the hospital. We know damn little about what makes even our best friends tick."
I thought it would burn her up, but she didn't do much more than press her lips together and narrow her eyes.
She reached quietly for her coffee cup and saucer. Her hands were lovely, like the rest of her. The nails were beautifully shaped and polished and only very slightly tinted.
"Any idea why he drinks?"
The violet eyes were looking at me steadily. She seemed a bit fragile this morning, but certainly not helpless. She bit her lower lip and shook her head. "Unless it's me," she said at last, almost in a whisper. "Men fall out of love with their wives."
Unless it's meはI have no idea unless it’s meの省略で「私の他は思い当たらない」という意味。この台詞をやっとの思いで囁くように口にするアイリーンの様子をチャンドラーは仔細に描写する。
fall out of ~は~から抜け出るという意味で、男は妻との愛から離れるものだ、つまり「男の人は妻に嫌気がさすものでしょう」という意味だろう。
アイリーンはロジャーの部屋のゴミ箱に捨てられていたという、ドクターVという名前が書かれた黄色の書簡用紙をマーロウに見せる。ドクターVに心あたりはないが、ロジャーが前に一時入っていた施設の経営者かもしれないと言う。その時はカウボーイの格好の若い男が家まで送り届けてきたことも付け加える。おおかたquack もぐり医者ではないかとマーロウは推測する。
"Quite likely he's not even a doctor," I said. "That brings up the question of ready cash. A legitimate man would take a check, but a quack wouldn't. It might turn into evidence. And a guy like that wouldn't be cheap. Room and board at his house would come high. Not to mention the needle."
"Okay," I said, "I'll try to find Dr. V. I don't know just how, but I'll do my best. Take the cheque with you, Mrs. Wade."
"But why? Aren't you entitled-"
"Later on, thanks. And I'd rather have it from Mr. Wade. He's not going to like what I do in any case."
アイリーンの台詞のAren't you entitled- はAren't you entitled to receive the cheque?の略で「あなたは小切手を受け取る資格がないのですか?」つまり「あたなは仕事としてやってくださるのではないのですか?」という意味なのだろう。
マーロウはあることにこだわっている。何故、ロジャーが酔っ払った時に医者を呼ばなかったのか、ロジャーとアイリーン双方に、なにかそうしたくない理由があるのではないかと感じている。緊迫した2人のやりとりが続く。dishは口語で美女、and no mistakeも口語で間違いなくと言う意味。
"You could have called a doctor on your own. Why didn't you?"
She faced me squarely. Her eyes were bright. There might have been a hint of tears in them. A lovely dish and no mistake.
"Because I love my husband, Mr. Marlowe. I'd do anything in the world to help him. But I know what sort of man he is too. If I called a doctor every time he took too many drinks, I wouldn't have a husband very long. You can't treat a grown man like a child with a sore throat."
医者を呼ばなかったのはBecause I love my husband, Mr. Marloweと訴えかけるアイリーン。
"You can if he's a drunk. Often you damn well have to." She was standing close to me. I smelled her perfume. Or thought I did. It hadn't been put on with a spray gun. Perhaps it was just the summer day.
最後のPerhaps it was just the summer dayは、清水訳では「夏の日だったからかもしれない」、村上訳では「夏の日にわずかに忍ばせるだけだ」となっている。清水役は素直にitを天候のitと解釈している。一方、村上訳ではitを直前の文と同じようにperfumeを指しているものとしてPerhaps it was put on just the summer dayの省略と解釈しているようだ。村上訳の解釈とする場合は、「夏の日に」の「に」にあたる前置詞、例えばonのような、がjust とthe summer dayの間に必要な気がするがどうだろうか。
"Suppose there is something shameful in his past," she said, dragging the words out one by one as if each of them had a bitter taste. "Even something criminal. It would make no difference to me. But I'm not going to be the means of its being found out."
"But it's all right if Howard Spencer hires me to find out?"
She smiled very slowly. "Do you really think I expected you to give Howard any answer but the one you did-a man who went to jail rather than betray a friend?"
"Thanks for the plug, but that wasn't why I got jugged." She nodded after a moment of silence, said goodbye, and started down the redwood steps.
a man who went to jail rather than betray a friend 「あなたは友達を裏切るくらいなら留置場に入る人ですもの」とやはりアイリーンはレノックス事件に囚われている。
I watched her get into her car, a slim gray Jaguar, very new looking. She drove it up to the end of the street and swung around in the turning circle there. Her glove waved at me as she went by down the hill. The little car whisked around the corner and was gone.
アイリーンの車はa slim gray Jaguar, very new lookingと形容されるが、おそらくジャガーXK120だろう。Her glove waved at me as she went by down the hillとあるので当然、ドロップヘッドタイプのロードスターと思われる。
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