Off to my left there was an empty swimming pool, and nothing ever looks emptier than an empty swimming pool. Around three sides of it there was what remained of a lawn dotted with redwood lounging chairs with badly faded pads on them. The pads had been of many colors, blue, green, yellow, orange, rust red. Their edge bindings had come loose in spots, the buttons had popped, and the pads were bloated where this had happened.
その場の静けさを指してThere was no sound. The place seemed to be as dead as Pharaoh 「まるで死んだファラオのように静かだ」というのも傑作だ。
He wore a flat black gaucho hat with the woven strap under his thin. He wore a white silk shirt, spotlessly clean, open at the throat, with tight wristlets and loose puffed sleeves above. Around his neck a black fringed scarf was knotted unevenly so that one end was short and the other dropped almost to his waist. He wore a wide black sash and black pants, skin-tight at the hips, coal black, and stitched with gold thread down the side to where they were slashed and belled out loosely with gold buttons along both sides of the slash. On his feet he wore patent-leather dancing pumps.
アルコール依存症のロジャー・ウェイドという人物がここにいると聞いてきたといって、15章でカーン協会で見たthe barred-window boys「かごの鳥」と呼ばれているファイルの話題を持ち出すマーロウ。
「かごの鳥」は、Places where you can't jump out of when the French fits take overと説明される。French fitsとは辞書によるとdelirium tremensを意味するスラングとのこと。デリリウム・トレメンズとは、振戦せん妄と呼ばれるアルコール依存者の離脱症状、俗にいう禁断症状のことをいうのだそうだ。なぜFrench fitsフランス人の発作と呼ばれるのかは調べたが謎だ。
"He's so obviously a phony. Where you find one thing phony you're apt to expect others. The guy's a manic-depressive, isn't he? Right now he's on the upswing."
He leaned on the door. His voice got low and confidential. "Earl's parents were dear friends of mine, Mr. Marlowe. Someone has to look alter Earl and they are no longer with us, Earl has to live a quiet life, away from the noise and temptations of the city. He is unstable but fundamentally harmless. I control him with absolute ease, as you saw."
"You've got a lot of courage," I said.
He sighed. His eyebrows waved gently, like the antennae of some suspicious insect. "It has been a sacrifice," he said. "A rather heavy one. I thought Earl could help me with my work here. He plays beautiful tennis, swims and dives like a champion, and can dance all night. Almost always he is amiability itself. But from time to time there were-incidents." He waved a broad hand as if pushing painful memories into the background. "In the end it was either give up Earl or give up my place here."
"I sold out," he said. "This peaceful little valley will become a real estate development. There will be sidewalks and lamp posts and children with scooters and blatting radios. There will even" - he heaved a forlorn sigh - "be Television." He waved his hand in a sweeping gesture. "I hope they will spare the trees," he said, "but I'm afraid they won't. Along the ridges there will be television aerials instead. But Earl and I will be far away, I trust."
"Goodbye, Doctor. My heart bleeds for you."
He put out his hand. It was moist but very firm. "I appreciate your sympathy and understanding, Mr. Marlowe. And I regret I am unable to help you in your quest for Mr. Slade."
"Wade," I said.
"Pardon me, Wade, of course. Goodbye and good luck, sir."
I started up and drove back along the graveled road by the way I had come. I felt sad, but not quite as sad as Dr. Verringer would have liked me to feel.
(Sepulveda Canyon 1957,Source: Southland.gizmodo.com,USC digital library)
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