The letter was in the red and white birdhouse mailbox at the foot of my steps. A woodpecker on top of the box attached to the swing arm was raised.
清水訳では「箱の上のきつつきがひっくり返されていて蓋が開いてた」と訳されており、村上訳では「箱の上にはキツツキがついていて、郵便物が入っているしるしに、その翼が上に向けられていた」となっている。the swing armとはアメリカで良く見る、郵便物が届いているかどうかを示すために水平から90度起き上がるようになった可動式のフラッグのことだろう。マーロウのはフラッグに木製のキツツキがくっついているのだ。正確には「箱の上のスイングアーム式のフラッグについているキツツキが起こされいた」ということではないだろうか。
手紙はメキシコからだ。Correo AéreoはAir mailのスペイン語、a flock of ~で、たくさんの~という意味。
The letter had Correo Aéreo on it and, a flock of Mexican stamps and writing that I might or might not have recognized if Mexico hadn't been on my mind pretty constantly lately.
writing that I might or might not have recognized if ~のところは、直訳すると、if以下でなければ「筆跡を認識できたかもしれないし、あるいは、できなかったかもしれない」となる。要はどちらなのか判らない、と言うことだが、意味が通じる日本語にすると「筆跡を認識できたかどうかはわからない」という感じか。
Call it an apology for making you so much trouble and a token of esteem for a pretty decent guy.
I've done everything wrong as usual, but I still have the gun.
I might have killed her and perhaps I did, but I never could have done the other thing. That kind of brutality is not in my line. So something is very sour. But it doesn't matter, not in the least.
They have their lives to live and I'm up to here in disgust with mine.
Sylvia didn't make a bum out of me, I was one already.
At least she died young and beautiful. They say lust makes a man old, but keeps a woman young. They say a lot of nonsense. They say the rich can always protect themselves and that in their world it is always summer. I've lived with them and they are bored and lonely people.
I feel a little sick and more than a little scared. You read about these situations in books, but you don't read the truth. When it happens to you, when all you have left is the gun in your pocket, when you are cornered in a dirty little hotel in a strange country, and have only one way out-believe me, pal, there is nothing elevating or dramatic about it. It is just plain nasty and sordid and gray and grim.
So forget it and me. But first drink a gimlet for me at Victor's. And the next time you make coffee, pour me a cup and put some bourbon in it and light me a cigarette and put it beside the cup. And after that forget the whole thing. Terry Lennox over and out. And so goodbye.
I like Mexicans, as a rule, but I don't like their jails. So long. Terry.
I sat there and looked at it for a long time. At last I put it away in my letter case and went out to the kitchen to make that coffee. I did what he asked me to, sentimental or not. I poured two cups and added some bourbon to his and set it down on the side of the table where he had sat the morning I took him- to the plane. I lit a cigarette for him and set it in an ash tray beside the cup. I watched the steam rise from the coffee and the thin thread of smoke risefrom the cigarette.
やがてコーヒーは湯気を立てるのをやめ、煙草の煙も消える。It didn't seem quite enough to do for five thousand dollars 「とても5,000ドル分の仕事とは思えなかった」とやるせなさをいつもの減らず口でなんとか紛らわそうとするマーロウ。
A white night for me is as rare as a fat postman. If it hadn't been for Mr. Howard Spencer at the Ritz-Beverly I would have killed a bottle and knocked myself out. And the next time I saw a polite character drunk in a Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith, I would depart rapidly in several directions. There is no trap so deadly as the trap you set for yourself.
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