"Maybe I'll give it to him. He's broke. The property is foreclosed. He won't get a dime out of it. All on account of that psycho. Why does he do it?"
「あいつに5,000ドルをやることになるかもしれない」。後ろめたさとともに気持ちが揺れるウェイド。当時(1953年)の5,000ドルは現在価値(2016年)で約45,000ドル相当だとThe Inflation Calculaterというサイトが教えてくれる。日本円では500万円ぐらいの感覚だろうか。
I turned over the pass and after a climb the lights of the valley spread out endlessly in front of us. We dipped down- to the highway north and west that goes to Ventura. After a while we passed through Encino. I stopped for a light and looked up towards the lights high on the hill where the big houses were. In one of them the Lennoxes had lived. We went on.
I turned over the pass のところだが、turnは他動詞ではなく、自動詞で「進路を変える」という意味で、turned over the passは「峠道に向かって進路を変えた」というニュアンスだろう。ちなみに村上訳では「私は峠をゆっくり越えた」となっており、清水訳では省略されている。峠を登りきると家々の灯りがどこまでも続く広大な谷地が現れる。ロサンゼルス北部を東西に走るサンフェルナンド・ヴァレーの夜景だ。
(*source : https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/343540277805750986/)
"How much is she paying you?" he asked,
"We didn't discuss it."
"Whatever it is, it's not enough. I owe you a lot of thanks. You did a great job, chum. I wasn't worth the trouble."
"That's just the way you feel tonight."
He laughed. "You know something, Marlowe? I could get to like you. You're a bit of a bastard-like me."
worth the troubleは「骨折りがいがある」という意。You know something?は「知ってるかい?」「ちょっと聞いてよ」というニュアンスの話を始めるときの決まり文句。"That's just the way you feel tonight."(今晩はそう感じただけだろう)は、村上訳では「夜があければまた考えが変わるさ」と皮肉っぽいニュアンスが込められたこなれた日本語に訳されている。マーロウの皮肉っぽい言い方が気に入るウェイド。
We reached the house. It was a two-story over-all shingle house with a small pillared portico and a long lawn from the entrance to a thick row of shrubs inside the white fence. There was a light in the portico. I pulled into the driveway and stopped close to the garage.
over-all shingle house with a small pillared porticoとは屋根と壁面が同じシングル(こけら板)で葺かれた家のことで、ポルティコと呼ばれる小さな玄関ポーチが設けられデザインの家だ。こんなイメージに近いだろうか。
アイリーンのどことなくマーロウを引き止めたがっている様子とそれを察しつつ、アイリーンの誘いに乗りながら、「あなたが私を雇いたがった理由は、レノックス事件に関係していたからなのですか?」とストレートに疑問をぶつけるマーロウ。小道具のタバコの使い方が見事だ。drink in は吸い込むという意味。またdraw on というのもタバコを吸い込むという意味。
"You must be tired. Don't you want a drink yourself?"
I lit a cigarette. It seemed like a couple of weeks since I had tasted tobacco. I drank in the smoke.
"May I have just one puff?"
"Sure. I thought you didn’t smoke"
"I don’t often." She came close to me and I handed her the cigarette. She drew on it and coughed. She handed it back laughing. "Strictly an amateur, as you see."
"So you knew Sylvia Lennox," I said. "Was that why you wanted to hire me?"
"I knew who?" She sounded puzzled.
"Sylvia Lennox." I had the cigarette back now. I was eating it pretty fast.
"Oh," she said, startled. "That girl that was-murdered. No, I didn't know her personally. I knew who she was. Didn't I tell you that?"
"Sorry, I'd forgotten just what you did tell me."
狼狽したような態度のアイリーンに対してマーロウは思い切った行動にでる。charm into~は「~に引き込まれる」、「魅せられる」という意味。
"I'll leave this with you," I said.
I took hold of her and pulled her towards me and tilted her head back. I kissed her hard on the lips. She didn't fight me and she, didn't respond. She pulled herself away quietly and stood there looking at me.
"You shouldn't have done that," she said. "That was wrong. You're too nice a person."
"Sure. Very wrong," I agreed. "But I've been such a nice faithful well-behaved gun dog all day long, I got charmed into one of the silliest ventures I ever tackled, and damned if it didn't turn out just as though somebody had written a script for it. You know something? I believe you knew where he was all along-or at least knew the name of Dr. Verringer. You just wanted to get me involved with him, tangled up with him so I'd feel a sense of responsibility to look after him. Or am I crazy?"
and damned以下がやや意味が取りにくいが、I'm damned if not~という表現は「~でないことなんてありえない」つまり「間違いなく~だ」という意味。turn out~は「事態が~となる」というニュアンス。(I got)damned if it didn't turn out just as though somebody had written a script for it.は「誰かが書いた台本の通りになったのは間違いない」という感じ。
"am I crazy?"というマーロウの問いに"Of course you're crazy,"と答えながら同時に、"thank you so very much for almost everything."と意味深な一言を残してアイリーン・ウェイドは扉の中に姿を消し、ポーチの電気が消される。マーロウは虚空に手を振り、車を出す。
『ザ・ロング・グッドバイ』Chapter 21へ
copyrights (c) 2017 tokyo culture addiction all rights reserved. 無断転載禁止。