I drove back to Hollywood feeling like a short length of chewed string.
like a short length(pieceとも)of chewed stringは「くたびれて弱くなった」という意味の口語。
An hour crawled by like a sick cockroach. I was a grain of sand on the desert of oblivion. I was a two-gun cowpoke fresh out of bullets. Three shots, three misses. I hate it when they come in threes. You call on Mr. A. Nothing. You call on Mr. B. Nothing. You call on Mr. C. More of the same. A week later you find out it should have been Mr. D. Only you didn't know he existed and by the time you found out the client had changed his mind and killed the investigation.
I closed for the day too, and drove over to La Cienaga to Rudy's Bar.B-Q, gave my name to the master of-ceremonies, and waited for the big moment on a bar stool with a whiskey sour in front of me and Marek Weber's waltz music in my ears. After a while I got in past the velvet rope and ate one of Rudy's "world-famous" Salisbury steaks, which is hamburger on a slab of burnt wood, ringed with browned-over mashed potato, supported by fried onion rings and one of those mixed up salads which men will eat with complete docility in restaurants, although they would probably start yelling if their wives tried to feed them one at home.
サイドに添えられたbrowned-over mashed potatoとは、きっと普通のマッシュポテトよりもコクのある焦がしバターで和えたbrown butter mashed potatoのことだろう。
(*brown butter mashed potatos ,source : http://www.lauriemarchhome.com/5-quick-winter-comfort-food-recipes/)
"Does the name Verringer mean anything to you, Mrs. Wade?"
"No, I'm afraid not. Should it?"
I'm afraid notは、I'm afraid (that) the name Verringer does not mean anything to me.の省略形でI'm afraid~は語気を和らげるニュアンス。Should it?も同様にShould the name Verringer mean anything to me? の省略形。村上訳では「私が知っているはずの人ですか?」となっている。
"That's wonderful," she said warmly. "Don't you feel that you're on the right track?"
"I could be wetter than a drowned kitten.
The gun was a tough little short-barreled .32 with flat-point cartridges.
(*Colt Police Positive 2inch, source :http://www.coltforum.com/forums/photos-area/33644-colt-new-police-police-positive-police-positive-special-photo-thread.html )
そんなアールの様子をチャンドラーは「二挺拳銃のアール。コーチーズ郡の恐怖」 Two-Gun Earl, the Terror of Cochise County と呼んで仔細に描写している。
He slipped his guns back in the holsters, picked up the rope and gathered it loosely, went back into the house. The light went off, and so did I.
最後に2度登場するgo off(過去形でwent offとなっている)は、いろんな意味がある成句でやっかいだ。最初の意味は電気や明かりなどが消えるという意味で使われてる。2番目のso did Iは、人が立ち去るという意味のgo offと解釈すると清水訳の「私もそこから姿を消した」という風になるだろうし、電気が消える、つまりある活動が止まるという最初のニュアンスにこだわると村上訳の「私も身体の力を抜いた」という風になるだろう。さて、チャンドラーの意図はどちらに近いのだろうか。
He looked big. His face was partly shadowed, but I could see that he was pale and that he needed a shave and had needed one for just about the right length of time.
"She could have brought Candy, our houseboy. Candy would cut your Blue Boy into thin strips while Blue Boy was making up his mind what picture he was starring in today."
Blue Boyとは、イギリスの画家トマス・ゲンズバラの描いたThe Blue Boy(青衣の少年)のことだろう。カリフォルニアのサン・マリノのハンチントン・ライブラリーに所蔵されている。アールの格好がマーロウに1770年に描かれた、クラシックな衣服を纏うこの少年を思い起こさせたのだろう。
(*The Blue Boy, 1770 by Thomas Gainsborough, source :http://huntington.org/webassets/templates/general.aspx?id=14392)
"To me Earl is quite harmless, Mr. Wade. I have ways of controlling him."
"Name one," a new voice said, and Earl came through the door in his Roy Rogers outfit. Dr. Vet-ringer turned smiling..
"Keep that psycho away from me," Wade yelled, showing fear for the first time.
Earl put his hands on his ornamented belt. His face was deadpan. A light whistling noise came from between his teeth. He moved slowly into the room.
"You shouldn't have said that," Dr. Verringer said quickly, and turned towards Earl. "All right, Earl. I'll handle Mr. Wade myself. I'll help him get dressed while you bring the car up here as close to the cabin as possible. Mr. Wade is quite weak."
"And he's going to be a lot weaker," Earl said in a whistling kind of voice. "Out of my way, fatso."
"Now, Earl-" he reached out and grabbed the handsome young man's arm-"you don't want to go back to Camarillo, do you? One word from me and-"
That was as far as he got. Earl jerked his arm loose and his right hand came up with a flash of metal. The armored fist crashed against Dr. Verringer's jaw. He went down as if shot through the heart. The fall shook the cabin. I started running.
Name oneのnameは挙げる、という意味。ヴェリンジャーの前言にある自分を操る方法があるなら「ひとつ挙げてみろ」とアールは言っているのだ。このぶっきらぼうな一言に不機嫌な雰囲気を漂わせていつの間にかアールが戸口に現れているという描写はスリリングだ。
カマリロとはカリフォルニア州立精神病院を指している。ジャズファンなら麻薬中毒でこの病院に入院していたチャーリー・パーカーが作曲した"Relaxin' at Camarillo"という曲名でお馴染みだろう。現在は閉鎖されている。
"Sorry, Doc. I must have just let fly without seeing who it was."
let flyとは感情をほとばしらせる、という意味。
アールの持っていたにせものの拳銃はstange money、cap gunと表現されているが、なぜstage gunではなくて、stange moneyなのだろう。
マーロウは首尾よくウェイドを連れ戻すことになる。自分が面倒を見ていたアールに殴られてしまうヴェリンジャーが哀れだ。マーロウは同情の意を口にして部屋を出る。kick sb in the teethとは、sbにひどい仕打ちをする、という意味。
Dr. Vetringer was leaning against the wall, massaging his jaw. "I'll help him," he said thickly. "All I do is help people and all they do is kick me in the teeth."
"I know just how you feel," I said.
I went out and left them to work at it.
『ザ・ロング・グッドバイ』Chapter 20へ
copyrights (c) 2017 tokyo culture addiction all rights reserved. 無断転載禁止。