It was the same old cocktail party, everybody talking too loud, nobody listening, everybody hanging on for dear life to a mug of the juice, eyes very bright, cheeks flushed or pale and sweaty according to the amount of alcohol consumed and the capacity of the individual to handle it.
マーロウは書斎でロジャー・ウェイドに再会する。ウェイドはマーロウをsmall time operator in a small time businessと皮肉くりながら、同時に自らをも自嘲し卑下するひねくれ者だ。magoozlumとはコメディーなどで投げ合うカスタードパイのことを指すハリウッド・ジャーゴンらしく、転じてくだらないことの意だ。not worth the powder to blow itはほとんど価値がない、to hellは本当にという強調。
"You're looking right at a small time operator in a small time business, Marlowe.All writers are punks and I am one of the punkest. I've written twelve best sellers, and if I ever finish that stack of magoozlum on the desk there I may possibly have- written thirteen. And not a damn one of them worth the powder to blow it to hell. I have a lovely home in a highly restricted residential neighborhood that belongs to a highly restricted multimillionaire. I have a lovely wife who loves me and a lovely publisher who loves me and I love me the best of all. I'm an egotistical son of a bitch, a literary prostitute or pimp-choose your own word-and an all-round heel. So what can you do for me?"
「身勝手なクソ野郎であり、文学の娼婦であり、あるいは文学のポン引きだ。どちらでも君の好きな言葉を選んでくれればいいが。そしてan all-round heelだ」。an all-round heel(あらゆる面でのくず男)というのが面白い。村上訳では「お手軽な便利屋」となっている。
簡単に挑発に乗らないマーロウを、ロジャー・ウェイドは気に入った様子で、みんながいるところに行って一杯飲もうの誘う。以下はそんなひねくれ者二人のやりとり。長いが、いかにもチャンドラーらしい会話なので引用しよう。lousyはけがらわしい、shove itは強い拒絶や反感の意、knock it offは騒ぎなどをやめろ、黙れという意味、take it out on sbは人にやつあたりするという意味。
He stood up. "We don't have to drink in here. Let's go outside and glance at a choice selection of the sort of people you get to know when you make enough lousy money to live where they live."
"Look," I said. "Shove it. Knock it off. They're no different from anybody else."
"Yeah," he said tightly, "but they ought to be. If they're not, what use are they? They're the class of the county and they're no better than a bunch of truckdrivers full of cheap whiskey. Not as good."
"Knock it off," I said again. "You want to get boiled, get boiled. But don't take it out on a crowd that can get boiled without having to lie up with Dr. Verringer or get loose in the head and throw their wives down the stairs."
"Yeah," he said, and he was suddenly calm and thoughtful. "You pass the test, chum. How about coming to live here for a while? You could do me a lot of good just being here."
"Let's go outside and”以下は、意味としては理解しやすいが、いかにも英語的な語順で、こなれた日本語にするとなると結構、難しい。
ウェイドはマーロウという人間に、自分と同じ複雑な心性を感じ取り"You pass the test, chum."(君はテストに合格した)という。
「友だちとして頼んでいる。君はレノックスにためには、もっと多くのことをしたじゃないか」とレノックス事件のことを持ち出すウェイド。up to hereは、ここまでいっぱいという意。
I'm asking you as a friend. You did more than that for Lennox."
I stood up and walked over dose to him and gave him a hard stare. "I got Lennox killed, mister. I got him killed."
"Phooey. Don't go soft on me, Marlowe." He put the edge of his hand against his throat. "I'm up to here in the soft babies."
"Soft?" I asked. "Or just kind?"
最後の"Soft?" I asked. "Or just kind?"というマーロウの言葉に関して、村上訳では「甘やかす?」と私は尋ねた。「ただの親切心と取り違えちゃいないか?」となっているが、やや意味がとりにくい。”Soft?”は”Don't go soft on me”のsoftを指しており、後半は「(レノックスにしたことは)単なる親切心からだと思っているのか?」とのニュアンスの、レノックスとの関係を誤解していそうなウェイドへの抗議の意味あいの言葉だろう。
"About who? Your wife?"
He moved his lips one ever the other. "I think it's about me," he said. "Let's go get that drink."
He walked to the door and threw it open and we went out.
If he had been trying to make me uncomfortable, he had done a first-cass job.
(Powers Boothe as Phlip Marlowe in Phlip Marlowe,Private eye,
source: https://mythicalmonkey.blogspot.jp/2017/05/powers-boothe-1948-2017.html)
to be continued
copyrights (c) 2018 tokyo culture addiction all rights reserved. 無断転載禁止。